
ANC6A Transportation and Public Space Com. Meeting Agenda 7/19

Please note - DDOT will have representatives on hand to answer questions about the status of the Capitol Hill Transportation Study and proposed conversions of 17th Street NE and 19th Street NE to two-way traffic.

ANC 6A Transportation & Public Space Committee Meeting
Capitol Hill Towers (900 G Street NE)
July 19, 2010 at 7:00 pm

I. Call meeting to order

II. Introductions (5 minutes)

III. Community Comment (5 minutes)

IV. Announcements

A. A set of streetcar plans for the H Street/Benning Road line is available for viewing.

V. Old Business

A. Discussion with Mr. Terry Bellamy of DDOT and other DDOT representatives regarding the Capitol Hill Transportation Study and proposed conversions of 17th Street NE and 19th Street NE to two-way traffic – Mahmud (45 minutes)

B. Request for residential parking permit (RPP) restrictions on G Street NE and 9th Street NE adjacent to Sherwood Recreation Center – Mahmud (10 minutes)

VI. New Business

A. Consider requesting that DDOT extend Visitor Parking Permit Pilot to ANC 6A – Mahmud (15 minutes)

VII. Additional Community Comment (time permitting)

VIII. Adjourn meeting

1 comment:

Chris said...

Did I miss a recent local ANC meeting that addressed the issue of the proposed conversion of currently one-way 17th and 19th streets to two-way streets?