
Summer Reading Program at the Rosedale Library

"Dig Into Reading" and "Beneath the Surface" are the themes for the DC Public Library Summer Reading Program. which runs June 1st to August 24th. There are programs and events for all ages, from babies to children, teens and adults!
At the Rosedale Library (1701 Gales Street NE), the summer program kicks into high gear very soon!
Monday, June 3rd at 4 p.m. - Teens (12 to 18) are invited to the inaugural meeting of the Teen Advisory Group. Drop in and let us know what books, cds, dvds and programs you want at the library. Pizza and drinks courtesy of the Friends of the Rosedale LIbrary.
Wednesday, June 5 from 4 to 6 p.m. - Everyone is invited to the Kickoff of the Rosedale Summer Reading Program - with games, Wii and refreshments. Sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge and a chance to win prizes. Artist and teacher Albus Cavus will hold a special class on "Stenciling" at 5:30 p.m. for ages 12 and up. Friends of the Rosedale Library will provide refreshments. .
Friday, June 7 at 1:30 p.m. - Author Mark Taylor Nobleman, author of "Heroes With and Without Capes" will discuss his recent books about the creators of "Superman" and Batman" comics. (Ages 12 and up)
Thursday, June 13 at 1 p.m. - Master Gardener Fannie Hamilton will teach the basics about Indoor and Outdoor Herb Gardening for Kids at 1 p.m. (Ages 5 and up). Sign up and get seeds and soil - everything you need to 'get growing'.
Monday, June 17 at 5:30 p.m.- Albus Cavus will teach us about the "Science and Art of Color". (Ages 12 and up)
Tuesday, June 18 at 1 p.m. - Family dance troupe "Pacific Rythyms" bring the cultures of the Polynesian Islands to life, through dance. For all ages.

***Weekly Story times are 11 a.m. every Tuesday (birth to 3 years); and 10 a.m. every Thursday (ages 3 to 5).

For more information, visit the Library or online at dclibrary.org/rosedale
For information about the Friends of the Rosedale LIbrary, email us at FriendsoftheRosedaleLibrary@gmail.com

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