
Update on the Rosedale Community Center

Below is an email for Charles Allen, Councilmember Wells' Chief of Staff.

RCA would like to thank Charles for providing up-to-date and thorough information on this critical and important Rosedale community project. The Rosedale neighborhood is very concerned about any delays in constructing the new community and library complex, so open communications between the community and our representatives is invaluable - thank you!


Dear Neighbors,

As a follow-up to Friday’s hearing, I wanted to ensure you had the latest information.

Council Action

• Tomorrow will be the second part of the DPR contracts hearing chaired by Councilmembers Thomas, K. Brown, Barry and Cheh. The hearing begins at 10 am and should be televised on Channel 13 if you want to watch.

• At yesterday’s legislative meeting, the Council approved an emergency measure (only valid for 90 days) from Councilmember Thomas that prevents the CFO from transferring any additional funds to the DC Housing Authority for parks and recreation projects. This does not impact the dollars already transferred. The Mayor’s office and CFO had already committed to this, but the legislation is aimed at ensuring oversight for the public funds. Mr. Thomas initially included language that would have prevented DCHA from entering into any contracts or MOUs to provide services with the funding it already has, but Councilmember Wells and Catania fought to remove that so that existing work does not slow down.

Budget & Spending

• At the hearing on Friday, Councilmember Thomas stated that according to documents he had, $3.9 million had already been spent on the Rosedale Community Center. Like you, we were very surprised to hear this. After a conversation with the Deputy Mayor’s office, I have a lot more clarity on this.

• First and foremost, the full $16 million remains committed and available for the Rosedale Community Center.

• The $3.9 million represents the FY2009 appropriation that was transferred from the Dept. of Parks and Recreation to the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (this is only part of the total $16 million funding because the total amount is spread over the fiscal years in which the reconstruction will take place).

• Please note, while the document Mr. Thomas reviewed shows that $3.9 million was “spent”, that only means that the dollars have been obligated from DPR. In other words, no one is claiming that $3.9 million worth of work has been performed. In fact, the Deputy Mayor’s office informed me that only $400,000 has been spent thus far from the initial $3.9 million in funds. That $400,000 includes the planning and design work (which included the planning process you were a part of earlier), as well as the initial demolition and security costs.

Work On-Site

• After the hearing on Friday night, I contacted DPR staff regarding three of the concerns raised – insufficient security and fencing on the site, concerns about managing the field lighting with controls being located in the demolished building, and the request for more access to space at Gibbs for the Rosedale programming. DPR officials stated to me that they would investigate and work on each of these issues.

Please let me know if you have any questions and we’ll work to keep you updated. Of course, feel free to drop me an email or call any time you have questions.


Charles Allen
Chief of Staff
Councilmember Tommy Wells - Ward 6
1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Ste. 408
Washington, DC 20004

202-724-8072 - phone
202-724-8054 - fax
callen@dccouncil.us - email
www.TommyWells.org - website

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