Walkscore.com recently ranked 2,504 neighborhoods in 40 U.S. cities. DC ranked 7th overall (congratulations DC!) and the neighborhood "Stadium-Armory", which includes Rosedale, was ranked 26 out of 34 in DC.
Obviously, Rosedale has work to do to improve its "walkability", most notably safely connecting the Rosedale neighborhood with the Stadium-Armory Metrorail Station, H Street Commercial District, Ancostia Riverfront (and newly constructed Anacostia River Trail), Langston Golf Course, National Arboredum, Lincoln Park, Eastern Market, Rosedale (Recreation) Community Center, Kingman Park, neighborhood schools just to name a few.
Commercial and commuter traffic, "cutting-through" Rosedale neighbor streets, is the primary transportation issue jeopardizing the safety & quality-of-life for Rosedale residents while walking, biking or running in and out of Rosedale.
If you are interested in helping to improve Rosedale's "walkability", you are welcome to attend a future RCA Transportation Committee meeting, where we discuss, plan and implement grass-root collaboration with our neighbors, civic-representatives and civil-servants to make notable transportation improvements. Visit the RCA blog regularly for the next scheduled committee meeting.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this. I think the bigger issue of neighborhood walkability, is actually having things to walk TO in the neighborhood rather than having to go somewhere else for it. The RFK and Hill East redevelopments will improve our walkability score greatly- in the next decade.
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